
What To Know About Depression – Part One

Depression can come in many forms. Instead of feeling overwhelming sorrow, you may be feeling angry and irritated all of the time for no reason. You might also be sleeping for hours on end without wanting to get out of bed. Depression can also manifest itself by losing a bunch of weight or gaining a lot in a short period of time. Additionally, depression is liable to cause a myriad of symptoms in your body that range from feeling guilty consistently and helpless to physical symptoms. If you are dealing with depression or think you may be, then the best course of action for you is to get help at Luminous Counseling.

What is Depression?

Sadness is an emotion we have all dealt with, but that does not mean you are depressed when you are feeling downtrodden a few days in a row. Depression is when you are feeling an overwhelming amount of worthlessness, hopelessness, pessimism, and guilt to the point where it begins to interfere with your normal functions and your daily life. This could mean that you struggle to get out of bed or you have difficulty concentrating on work or school. These feelings cause physical or mental pain in you. Depression is a real disease and should not be taken lightly, which is why it is essential that you reach out to a counseling center for assistance. Depression can not be wished away you will need to receive the appropriate help to you deal with this illness.

Different Types Of Depression

There are several different types of depression. Being depressed does not fall under one kind of illness. Below you will find a variety of different sorts of depression you may be dealing with. To get an accurate diagnosis of the type of depression you might be dealing with, take the time to reach out to a professional at Luminous Counseling to ensure you can properly overcome this kind of depression.

Major Depression

This type of depression deal with intense, low moods and a lack of pleasure in activities that you used to enjoy. To be diagnosed with this disease, you would need to feel like this every day for a consistent amount of two weeks. Additionally, you must be facing symptoms that include feeling hopeless, guilty, sleeping more or less than usual, lack of motivation, frequent thoughts of suicide, gaining or losing a large amount of weight in a short time span, to name of the few symptoms you may be dealing with.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

This depression lasts for the length of at least two years. This type of depression may feature episodes of major depression as well as less severe symptoms that last for at least two years. The key is that the depression lasts for two years with consistent episodes and symptoms.

Psychotic Depression

When a person has severe depression as well as a form of psychosis such as hearing voices or having hallucinations, then psychotic depression can take place.

Postpartum Depression

After a female has a baby, she may be feeling overwhelmed and could be going through hormonal and physical changes that result in depression. Many women experience postpartum depression and even though you may attribute it to your body changing, it is still important to talk to someone about it.

Season Affective Disorder

This type of depression can be attributed to the seasons around you. In the winter, there is less sunlight, which cuts down on the amount of vitamin D you might be receiving. SAD can be usually lifted in the summer and the spring due to the sunlight coming back.

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What To Know About Depression – Part Two
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