
Fighting Depression and Anxiety: Why You Should Never Let Them Win

When you struggle with depression and anxiety, it can be hard getting through the day—let alone the week.

However, that doesn’t mean you should let depression and anxiety win.

Of course, fighting them won’t be easy, but it is important.

Fighting Depression and Anxiety: Reasons to Keep Going

Remember Who Matters Most

One reason you should never let depression and anxiety win is remembering who is most important to you, such as friends, family members, your spouse, and your children.

Think about it, what would their lives be like if you let depression and anxiety win?

It would not be for the better, that’s for sure.

Remembering that you have others who love and support you can be very reassuring when fighting depression and anxiety. If you need a reminder, keep photos of family members and friends easily accessible.

Do the Things You Enjoy

Another reason to keep fighting depression and anxiety is that it will help you continue to do the things you enjoy. If you are struggling with these emotional/mental issues, you may have already stopped doing the activities you love. Yet, you have to try to remember that pursuing your interests can be a step towards recovery as well.

That includes simple pleasures and activities such as:

  • Reading for pleasure
  • Working on your car
  • Participating in sports
  • Spending time outdoors
  • Creating art
  • Honing your craft

When you do the things you love to do, they help you to feel connected and engaged. This allows you to get out of the funk of depression and anxiety and allows you to enjoy life.

Fighting Depression and Anxiety: Focus On the Right Things

Your Dreams

Have you ever thought of traveling abroad? Or is your dream to one day open a business?

Has depression and anxiety been a roadblock towards achieving those dreams?

Whatever they are, your dreams and life goals are worth fighting for. Having reminders of those dreams—such as a postcard of a travel destination on the refrigerator—can be handy in that fight. So, while you are fighting depression and anxiety, don’t let your future goals fall by the wayside.

Your Family

Are you the major breadwinner in your family? Do you have children who are relying on you to make ends meet?

Your family can be a great resource to help keep you grounded when you feel depressed or anxious. Although family and children can sometimes be a source of stress and anxiety, they can also be a source of inspiration.

Again, having reminders of your family around you when at work or away from the home can be helpful. It will allow you to put things into perspective when you need them.


So often depression and anxiety is a reminder of how you are unworthy. It can cause you to retreat from life, making you feel that you are somehow undeserving.

Yet, the opposite is true!

You are a human being who deserves to be happy and feel fulfilled.

Granted, life takes us in unexpected directions, but that doesn’t mean that you ought to let depression and anxiety win. Rather, it is a reminder that even the most successful people have setbacks. Ask yourself, “How can I learn from this situation and move forward instead of letting depression and anxiety hold me back?

How to Keep Fighting Depression and Anxiety

There are several ways that you can keep fighting depression and anxiety.

For example:

  1. Leading a healthy lifestyle that includes nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness activities
  2. Surrounding yourself with a community of support that can include friends, family, and other social networks

True, fighting depression and anxiety can sometimes seem impossible. Yet, it doesn’t have to be.

Remember that your life has value and meaning. Everyone has their struggle from time-to-time, but that does not mean depression and anxiety will automatically win. Heading the above-mentioned reminder, you can beat it!

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