
Is Addiction Keeping You from Building the Life You Want? – 3 Tips to Get Started

When you struggle with addiction, it’s hard to see how it impacts not just your life but the people around you as well.

Your personal health is perhaps the most obvious, especially if you were healthy before the addiction. Moreover, career ambitions, personal finances, life-goals that you wanted to achieve, and even your lifespan are also affected by addiction.

However, the most lasting damage can be to your relationships, especially with your family, children, and your spouse.

If addiction is keeping you from building the life you want, consider these three tips to get started on the road to recovery.

1. Acknowledge That Your Addiction Is Real

The first tip for getting started towards building a life that you want is acknowledging that your addiction is real.

A very common trait in people with addictions is denial. That is, they excel at denying that there is a problem at all. And they easily blame other issues in their lives that certainly have played a role in them becoming addicted. However, at the root of the problem lies the denial that they are out of control.

For example, in your case, you may admit that you use drugs, but you might say that you can “handle it” or are “in control.” Is that truly so?

The term “functioning addict” is often used for someone who is addicted to substances, yet can still go to work or take care of their family. However, an addiction is still an addiction. Which is why the first tip is to acknowledge the reality of your situation.

2. Ask for Help

Second, you need to find the boldness to ask for help. Again, this can be very hard if you are caught in the throes of addiction. There can be many reasons why you may struggle with asking for help.

For example:

  • Personal history of shunning help when offered
  • Shame for the situation you are in
  • Remorse over things that you have done because of your addiction
  • Belief that you are somehow not “worth” receiving help

These are all roadblocks toward you being able to build the life you want.

It can be particularly hard asking for help from family or friends. Perhaps you could start with calling the National Drug Helpline at 1-888-633-3239. The advantage of this is that calling the helpline is more anonymous than talking to a family member or friend. Believe it or not, it can be easier to talk to a stranger about these problems than with the people who you know best.

3. Get Treatment for Your Addiction

Third, getting treatment for your addiction is an absolute must. Without a doubt, it is the best way possible to address your addiction. There are many ways you can receive treatment.

For instance:

  • Working with a counselor or therapist who specializes in addiction treatment
  • Enrolling in an addiction treatment program
  • Participating in a support group that is meant for your particular addiction (drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.)

Why is treatment so important? Because in treatment you can make the connections with why you are addicted.

Also, you can learn specific tools for managing your addiction and cravings. Moreover, you will have a support system that is compassionate, caring, and able to acknowledge your feelings, emotions, and past experiences. In short, you won’t be judged. This helps tremendously with making progress.

Addiction not only prevents you from having the life you want, but it also destroys everything good that now exists in your life. It makes it impossible for you to get where you want to be, unless you do something about it.

The above-mentioned three tips may sound simple, but at the same time, they can seem incredibly hard to carry out. However, all you have to do is to be willing to take a step forward. Acknowledge there is a problem, ask for help, and participate in addiction treatment.

If you would like help with addiction recovery and building the life you want, please contact us.



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