
A Daily Struggle—Does Depression Ever Truly Go Away?

Coping with depression can be a daily struggle, even if it’s just getting out of bed in the morning.

It can seem as if the symptoms will never go away and you may question whether you will ever feel like your regular self again.

The answer to the question, “Does Depression Ever Truly Go Away?”, is a complicated one that involves several factors.

Factor #1: Your Genes

One important factor to consider is your family history. Do you have a parent, sibling, or relative that has struggled with a mental health problem either currently or in the past? Research shows that between 40-50 percent of people who have depression had a genetic link from a family member.

If you believe that this is true for you, don’t give up hope! Keep reading, as genetics are not the only thing to consider as to whether depression will ever truly go away.

Factor #2: Your Life History

Another thing to keep in mind if you are coping with the daily struggle of depression is your personal life history. Even if you don’t have a genetic link, depression can arise from experiences that you have had that were difficult, either in childhood or as an adult.

For example:

  • Being neglected as a child
  • Experiencing a loss, such as the death of a parent or other loved one
  • Either experiencing directly or witnessing a violent act
  • Feeling isolated, alone, or disconnected from other people

Remember that you did not choose to have these things happen to you, but they did anyway.

When we experience a trauma or multiple traumatic events our brains need to heal as well. Depression can be the warning sign that something is wrong.

Factor #3: Personal Choices

A third factor for why you may be experiencing depression is certain life choices that you have made. In particular, using drugs and alcohol, which over time can cause devastating results to the brain and affect your mental health.

However, oftentimes those who experience the daily struggle of depression use drugs and alcohol to cope with those feelings and to escape from them, too. Yet, these substances only cause more harm and do not get to the root cause for why your depression is happening.

So Can Depression Ever Truly Go Away?

That depends.

Granted, you cannot control your genes so you may always be susceptible to depression.

However, there are many things that are in your control with which you can ensure depression stays at bay and does not creep into your life.

For example:

  • Maintaining healthy connections with people who care about you, especially family and friends
  • Staying physically active, which stimulates endorphins and improves mood
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Participating in activities that you enjoy and are mentally stimulating
  • Learning how to cope with stress appropriately
  • Recognizing what causes your depression to arise so that you can address it before it gets out of control

Getting Support Through Therapy

Another important tool for combating the daily struggle of depression is actively participating in therapy with a trained counselor who is familiar with depression treatments.

Because the roots of depression often involve deep underlying issue, working with a therapist can be very helpful. They can provide an emotionally safe place for you to talk freely in order to explore your issues more deeply. Together, you can better understand why your depression occurs and learn how to address it.  Then, you can take positive steps so that you can live the life you want and manage your depression rather than let depression manage you.

Indeed, depression is a difficult condition, but it does not have to be a daily struggle!

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