5 Tips to Stay Connected as a Couple During the Coronavirus Crisis

5 Tips to Stay Connected as a Couple During the Coronavirus Crisis

Thanks to coronavirus we are spending more time than ever together. Yet, even though physically we may be in the same space as our partners, it’s still possible to be disconnected.

Work can be one reason, especially now in the time of remote working. Maybe both of you sit in your workspaces staring into a computer screen. Another reason could be how you allocate your time. Perhaps you’re prioritizing other things over your relationship.

These and other challenges can spell trouble for any relationship. Even before the pandemic, many couples struggled to stay connected. But thanks to coronavirus, disconnect is on the rise.

What can you do? Here are five tips for how you and your partner can maintain your connection, even during these difficult times.

1. Don’t Forget the Old Reliable: Date Night

Date night has always been the go-to solution to help couples stay connected. It makes sense as to why. Having a date night allows you and your partner to specifically set aside time to be together. Plus, you are doing something special.

In the past, that might have meant going out to eat at a favorite restaurant or going to a show. Now, date night may mean cooking a special meal together and watching a program on your streaming service. You might have to get creative. But whatever you decide to do, do it together!

2. Laugh a Little!

Maintaining a sense of humor is always beneficial to any relationship. It feels good to laugh together. You both release some stress and feel more connected, both physically and cognitively.

Laughter is a great coping mechanism, especially when times are tough. So go ahead and enjoy those spontaneous and absurd moments that can only be solved with a smile and a laugh. You really will feel better, and you’re giving each other the assurance that you’re in this together.

3. Express Gratitude

One problem with the coronavirus crisis is that it has left us in a perpetual state of anxiety and stress. That puts us on edge, and in turn, causes us to be more reactive to others.

For instance, let’s say you’re watching a news report that is depressing and anxiety-inducing. Your partner comes in and asks you to do something for them. Instead of responding in a kind and caring manner, you snap back at them. But this kind of reaction only erodes your relationship.

To counter this effect, aim to express your gratitude to your partner each day. That doesn’t mean you have to make grandiose pronouncements of your appreciation. Rather, it could be saying “thank you” for cooking a delicious meal or a simple note that you love and value your partner.

4. Take on Tasks Together

Even though the coronavirus crisis is still ongoing, that hasn’t stopped all the other demands of life. There are tasks to accomplish around the house, bills to pay, and kids to raise (if you have any).

One thing that brings couples together is when there is a challenge and a need to be on the same page. So talk to each other about a game plan for how to address the matter and decide who is going to do what. For example, you may agree to do housecleaning tasks for this week while your partner focuses on ensuring the kids are staying on top of their school assignments.

Be flexible with these roles. Remember that sometimes one of you might have to temporarily take on more tasks so that the other can recharge. Just keep in mind to keep communicating with each other.

5. Talk Frankly with One Another

Because coronavirus has caused so much stress and anxiety, it’s important to have frank discussions about how each of you is doing. Be honest about your feelings. If you feel stressed, say that you are stressed. And if your partner is expressing their feelings, it’s critical that you listen and be attentive to them.

It’s okay to switch roles too. One partner can’t always be the calm and listening one. Talk to one another and provide the support that only partners can.

The current pandemic presents many challenges for all of us. However, if you are in a relationship, this is even more true. However, always remember that you have each other to lean on.

If, though, you find that you need additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact us and find out how couples therapy could help you,256-602-2079.

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